- 登录LancerPoint找到那张卡 我的注册预约. 点击 the blue button 查看您的注册日期和时间.
- Add your registration day 和 time to your calendar so you don‘t forget them!
- When you start at PCC, a counselor will help you create your Lancer Plan. 这是 a recommended list of courses you should take.
- 你r Lancer Plan will be located in LancerPoint.
需要帮助找到你的教育计划? 使用我们的教程来学习!
Once you know what classes you need to take, explore the 课程时间表 to see when classes are being offered for the upcoming 术语.
- Copy down the CRN numbers of the course sections you want to register for. 你会
- 使用我们的 进度计划 to help you plan your courses for the upcoming 术语!
需要使用课程表的帮助? 观看我们的视频了解更多信息!
On (or after) your assigned registration date 和 time, log in to LancerPoint to start 添加类!
Classes cannot be added before your registration date 和 time. 如果你不确定 你的注册日期, 登录LancerPoint 查看您的注册日期和时间.
- 登录到 LancerPoint
If you are having issues logging into LancerPoint, please make sure you have 激活您的帐户!
你 might need to reset your password if you forgot your log-in information.
请联系626-585-7395或通过电子邮件: gotopcc@yy8803899.com 如果你需要帮助.
关闭 - 找到 注册卡 然后点击 添加/删除类
- 选择当前注册期限
- 您可能需要填写一份 预先登记调查. 点击 on the link to complete the survey (there are no wrong answers).
- On the next screen, enter the 5 digit CRN code(s) of your selected courses into the boxes provided at the bottom of the screen.
- 点击 提交更改
- 你 should now be registered for the class(es). 检查是否成功 注册了你的课程,回到 我的课程和学术 选项卡,点击 查看/打印我的课程表. The classes you have added successfully will be listed here.
- If you receive an error, please review our 注册错误指南 寻求帮助以解决问题.
注册的问题 & 问题
While registering, you may see one of the following items which may make it difficult 让你注册. 点击 on the error below to learn more 和 see the steps to resolve it.
If you see this message, it means this class is part of a sequence 和 must be taken 为了. 你 need to complete the class prior before attempting to register for this class.
If you see this message at the time of registration, it means that one of the classes you tried to register for has a “co- requisite.“
你可以把它想象成一个伙伴课程. These two CRNs must be entered at the same time to 成功注册这些课程.
请参阅“课程时间表” to find the co-requisite CRN for the original class you added.
If you see this message, it means that you tried to register for a class that is restricted 给那个特殊项目的学生. If you are not part of that “approved cohort,“ you must find another CRN with no restrictions that fits your schedule.
A hold prevents you from registering for classes.
看 这个视频 to learn how to check if you have holds on your account.
If you have a hold on your account, please contact gotopcc@yy8803899.com 来帮助解决这个问题.
错误: 的候选人
If you added a class that had the status of “waitlisted,“ you will not see this class on your final 课程时间表 until you are officially off the waitlist 和 enrolled 在课堂上.
请检查你的PCC邮箱 每24小时 为等待列表类的添加代码.
If you receive an add code, that means you were able to get off the waitlist 和 can 正式注册课程:
- 你有 48小时 在添加代码过期之前使用它.
- 在 添加/删除类 screen on LancerPoint, add the CRN of the waitlisted class 和 the add code in two 单独的盒子.
- 点击 提交更改 和 the class should be added to your schedule.
错误: 多个校区
PCC offers classes at 5 different locations. Once you register for your classes, please make sure you know where your classes are located 和 that you have enough time to 在班级之间旅行.
如果你不交学费, you are at risk of being dropped 48小时 before the start of the 术语/semester. Unless excepted, non-resident students with outst和ing balances owed to the college will be dropped from their classes two days prior to the start of classes in each 术语. We recommend that you pay with a credit card on LancerPoint 在您的注册结束之前.
If you’ve paid your fees 和 need to drop, look for the Critical Dates for each course 通过访问 课程时间表 点击 CRN 你想放弃的课程. 要记住的日期是 退钱的最后一天 和 以W开头的最后一天.
后 退款的最后一天, you are financially responsible for 和 remaining fees for your registered classes. If classes are not paid by then, there will be a hold on your account, preventing you from registering for future 术语s at PCC.
你的学费需要帮助? 申请经济资助.
太阳城集团官方网址导航经济援助的问题? 联系财政援助.
Please contact the 财政援助办事处 for more information at gotopcc@yy8803899.com.
If you are an international student, check with the 国际学生中心 太阳城集团官方网址导航你们的付款政策.
是的! However, the longer you wait, the harder it will be to find open classes. Once again – register for your classes as soon as you can!
Once classes begin, you will not be able to register online through LancerPoint. 你 will need to obtain an Add Code from the instructor of the course you wish to add 如果还有空间的话.
注册时间是随机生成的. 你和你的朋友可能会有